Star Trek: The Space Opera

"Hollow Pursuits": Barclay, the Enterprise's resident wallflower, muses upon his loneliness to the tune of "On My Own."
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And now I'm all alone again--
No were to go, no one to turn to.
I'll return to the holodeck
To play the hero as I'm want to,
So when my fright appears,
I will conceal myself in here

Sometimes I walk the decks at night
When everybody else is rustling;
I program my own friends then I
Feel like my life again is bustling.
They think that I'm a wreck--
I go back to the holodeck

On my own, alone in my rejection
All alone, I'm forced to introspection
Unable to express myself as fully
As somebody more confident and stronger than I could be
And then pain inside me keeps on growing
And my fear is all that I am showing
In these programs, I feel my comfort rising
I'm comfortable when I don't have to ever bother trying

And I know I don't belong out there
When I'm talking to the Riker that's in here
Socially, I know that I'm inept
But I ask . . .why can't they just accept--

I'm lonely
But when the program's ended
I'm alone
With no one new befriended
If given
A chance to change my path now
I don't know why, but I must try
If someone would show me how

I'm lonely
I'm learning that my dreaming
Has kept my
Starfleet career from gleaming
My insight’s
Saved this ship from destruction
A ship and crew that knows me now
And draws me to the light....

I'm lonely...
I'm lonely...
I'm lonely,
But no longer on my own

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All lyrics copyright 2000 Devon Apple and Dominick LaLicata.
Names and characters invariably copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures, or whoever currently owns the Star Trek rights.
Names and characters have been used without express permission for purposes of parody.