Parody - Cruel Llama Parody - Cruel Llama Parody - Cruel Llama
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Cruel Llama

Click here for the lyrics to the original song.
Llamas are mean
Always stepping on toes as
They graze and fart
Some think they’re cute
But the truth is they spit and they stink

Some knitters are sayin’
“Why do you hate?”
They just don’t understand
It must be the wool’s got
Some chemicals rotting their brains

It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Smelly and evil and rude
It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Please begone

The sluttiest sheep banged
The grodiest camel
One summer night
Gave birth to a llama
A muppet-necked rug full of spite.

It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Smelly and evil and rude
It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Please begone
Here comes another one!

It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Smelly and... smelly and evil and rude
It’s a cruel... it’s a cruel... cruel llama
Please begone

It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Smelly and evil and rude
It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Please begone
Oh Christ - another one!

It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Smelly and evil and rude
It’s a cruel... cruel... cruel llama
Fetch my gun

Devon Apple, 2013

Unless otherwise credited, all parodies © Devon Apple 2015
Original songs and lyrics used without permission for purposes of reference.
Like they care.

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